粉红色的是啥我来答粉红色的是啥匿名用户展开全部电感已赞过已踩过你对这个回答的评价是?评论收起mc87775963 2014-04-27 · TA获得This is a short-term forecast of the location and intensity of the aurora. This product is based on the OVATION model and provides a 30 to 90 minute forecast of the location and in。
粉红色的是啥我来答粉红色的是啥匿名用户展开全部电感已赞过已踩过你对这个回答的评价是?评论收起mc87775963 2014-04-27 · TA获得This is a short-term forecast of the location and intensity of the aurora. This product is based on the OVATION model and provides a 30 to 90 minute forecast of the location and in。
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