最佳答案:苹果换苹果的话,是没有换机助手什么的可以用的,在icloud空间够的情况下是直接用icloud备份旧手机,然后新手机登陆同一个id.激活时选择从备份恢复就This is a short-term forecast of the location and intensity of the aurora. This product is based on the OVATION model and provides a 30 to 90 minute forecast of the location and in。
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最佳答案:苹果换苹果的话,是没有换机助手什么的可以用的,在icloud空间够的情况下是直接用icloud备份旧手机,然后新手机登陆同一个id.激活时选择从备份恢复就This is a short-term forecast of the location and intensity of the aurora. This product is based on the OVATION model and provides a 30 to 90 minute forecast of the location and in。